




今回は「私(じぶん)の活かし方 子どもの活かし方」というテーマで、お母さん方がそれぞれに子育てをしながら充実した毎日を過ごされるよう、お話しさせていただきました。




・ お兄ちゃんが高1、今まさにお兄ちゃんの反抗期です。

・ 昨年も受講して脳の成長期、心の成長期の続きが聞けてとても良かったです。子供が小さい頃はネガティブなことばかり考えて、外出もせず、子供たちを外で遊ばせる余裕すらなかった自分を反省しました。この学校に入り、周りのお母さんたちと話しているうちに苦しいのは自分だけじゃないこと、障害を持っている子供を受け止められるようになりました。昨年も受講してすごく良かったので今年も参加しました。また機会があったら受講したいと思います。

・ 今まで気づかなかった事に「目からうろこ」状態です。とても心に響きました。これ家らの生活、自分自身に少しずつ活かしていけるようにしたいと思いました。お話を聞けて良かったです。ありがとうございました。

・ 脳の成長期、心の成長期があることがわかって良かったです。私の心のもちようで変わることが良くわかりました。ありがとうございます。

・ 感情の動く講義ありがとうございました。子供に声掛けしている自分の感情を感じながら受け止めつつ、反応できる「くせ」をつけられるように少しずつ自分を変えていきたいと思います。

・ 今日のセミナーで最近自分でも気づいた内容とが一致している所があり、嬉しかった。自分自身の生い立ちの中での母子関係とかが、大きく自分の子供に対しての子育てに無意識に影響してしまっている事が良く理解できて良かった。今日学んだことを少しでも役立てて、子どもにやってあげられるように、内面をかえて対応することを心掛けたいです。

・ 前回に引き続き参加させていただきました。毎回先生が相談を受けた方の事例がとても参考になり、それに自分もかなりあてはまるので、とても考えさせられ、良い方向に気持ちがむき、これからの子育てに役立てられそうです。

・ 子育てにぼっとうし、子どものせいにして色んなん事をあきらめ、「どうせ無理」と言い訳をして、やりたいと思うこと、やりたいことをしてきませんでした。このまま子供に身をささげただ歳をとるだけだと“残念な人間”でした。でも先生の話を聞いて、勉強を続け、「どうせ無理」とあきらめてきた事のひとつひとつを思い出して、自分のため、家族のために、輝いた人間になりたいと思います。やってもいいよと背中を押して下さった気持ちです。今日はありがとうございました。


昨年から変化があったことをお知らせ下さった方や、この部分を受け止め切れない と書いて下さった方もいました。





“岩手県にある支援学校PTA主催の講演会” への1,295件のフィードバック

  1. Wait a minute – you’re sending flies to that no-account slacker Ian Rutter? While your bestest friend in the blogging world goes without?Ohh, treachery! (Was that appropriately Shakespearian or what?)Beautiful Atlantic Salmon dries. Now I can’t wait to see how they work for you. Do you have a trip planned?

  2. Tarasyk А найприкріше те, що ніде окрім Києва цей фільм не показуватимуть. Я, наприклад, в Дніпрі, то переглянути не зможу. А так би пішов обов’язково… Не розумію, навіщо 3a57робити обмежений прокат.

  3. Hi M Carter: Thanks for the praise…I too agree that the action scene outweighs the bad stuff. Three stars is not bad at all. Maybe another half star is deserving? But who's counting anyway. I chose to emphasize what irked me about the film as much as what I liked about it, because that's what jumped out at me this time round. Thanks,Alan

  4. Min tjej på 8 år sitter bredvid mig när jag är inne på favoritbloggen. Hon undrar vem flickan på bilden är?! Jag frågar om hon vill vara med i tävlingen, vilket hon klart vill. EDIdress grey/silver enades vi om var den finaste klänningen till jul/ nyår. Nu håller vi båda tummarna. Ps Vän med HTKAF sedan länge på fbTack för all inspiration! MvhHelena i Karlskrona

  5. Ich habe bei lesen.net gerade gelesen, dass der “kleine” kindle für 99 eur auch keine mp3-Unterstützung haben soll, ein weiterer Aspekt zu den bereits von Crini angesprochenen. Vielleicht sind 20 Eur mehr für die bisherige Wlan-Version des Kindle doch überlegenswert

  6. « EXELLENT EXELLENT EXELLENT !!!!!LOL LOL LOL  »Mais (lydie | le 11 juin 2010 à 06:24 ), êtes vous consciente que :* Excellent s’écrit avec un c (et l’orthographe devrait être un critère parfaitement objectif de maintien dans l’identité nationale)* LOL fait très « péquenaud » dans les pays anglo-saxons (couvrant ceux qui l’utilisent de ridicule : l’hiver, ça peut tenir chaud, mais l’été?)?Merci de m’avoir désinfecté le foie….

  7. Får så vondt i hjertet av å se disse bildene. Tøff tid dere er gjennom. Klarer ikke engang å forestille meg hvordan dere har det.Sender dere varme tanker, håper av hele mitt hjerte at den flotte gutten deres blir frisk.Er så vanskelig å komme med ord, bildene sier så mye, og setter i gang masse følelser.Stor klem

  8. 似乎上星期六場會搞到你好謝…… = =;經歷中英聯合聲明、六四等事,香港人的政治思維被塑造得有點奇怪:中港之爭被視為「左右之爭」,民主等同「議會民主」。縱是來了幾次人大釋法,也撼動不了「法律神聖中立」的幻想,因為在過程中受到英雄式吹捧的是一群大狀。處於這種特殊的歷史脈絡,難免遇到稀奇古怪的障礙。不是你自己做錯了甚麼事,而是香港某種意義上是地獄。做到多少就是多少,昨天幫學生補econ,教國際貿易那一課時向他逐點指出課本上寫的「advantages of free trade」不一定成立,現實上有太多因素在那套理論的解釋框架之外。還好他聽得懂,但願日後能活學活用。又,兄弟,唔好習慣太夜訓啦,冇益架。 🙂

  9. Відключення за наявну заборгованість не є порушенням ПКЕЕн. Є порядок відключення у зв’язку з виявленим порушенням ПКЕЕн. Але не за кожне виявлене порушення ПКЕЕн мають право відключати. Щодо відключення за заборгованість є порядок: споживач отримує попередження. Якщо споживач не отримав попередження та було відключення, то це вже компетенція АМКУ.

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  11. The Andy McKee is lovely- and a break from politics– it also makes me want to pick up the guitar again…the second vid is giving me the “We’re sorry ….no longer available.”…C-CS

  12. Oh jeez, this post brings back memories.. man, when I went to the dentist, he would always let me play Kirby on a giant Gameboy-like-thing while I waited for him to finish something, and I would always get to the tree that shot apples at me and always lose. Once, I beat the tree, but then the dentist came back and took his game away >_>

  13. oh that’s pretty cool to be able to replicate the spur with stone tools i would imagine it would take a lot of skill to do so. one more question though do you know a website that gives a tutorial on the easiest way to carve a basket maker spur with stone tools i’ve recently have attempted but failed. i just really like the way the the basket maker atlatls look like thanks.

  14. I agree that sign language has definite benefits for everyone. It would be nice if more hearing people did learn sign language. Something I find interesting is that there are still those in the deaf community who get upset with other deaf individuals who decide to learn to speak. Recently, on one of my podcasts, the guest was a woman who teaches parents sign language to their infants, starting at like 5 or so months of age. It was really remarkable what the children learned and how effective communication was for both the children and parents.

  15. Caro Trekman,Não é o ter religião que está em causa, mas o estar dependente de uma organização religiosa o que impede a liberdade religiosa. Não sei onde percebeu o contrário.Quanto à carapuça, estava a brincar, mas acho mal que qualquer uma das organizações olhe para um palerma de chapéu, meias e chinelos que se confessa parvo e veja lá um escuteiro ou escoteiro.

  16. both can be … both can be manipulated overnight, options are great intraday we don’t trade futures much, i would say options and futures are good overnight at the best price levels, most times 75% they are not at that price levels and people are subject to market volatility torture! Was this answer helpful?

  17. Voilà, voilà… le camarade Stan s’est fait atomiser.Je me souviens d’une interview de Federer il y a quelques années qui disait qu’il en avait marre de se battre tout seul lors de la Coupe Davis…Sur ce point, j’aimerais bien connaître l’avis officieux de Stan.Seul avantage, il est déjà sur place pour Indian Wells!T

  18. pisze:Moim zdaniem nie ma pan podstawowej wiedzy o masonerii i o kapitalizmie. Nie wierzy pan w człowieka, uznając go za bezwolną istotę, którą można zniewolić.Samo to, że wolno się panu żołądkować w miejscu publicznym świadczy o tym, że masoni sobie z panem nie poradzili. Natomiast zniewoliła pana socjaliści i inni inne durnie. Im dużo łatwiej poszło z panem niż masonom i kapitalistom. Czy pana taka sytuacja nie martwi? Z dwojga złego wolałbym zniewolenie w wykonaniu kapitalistów niż komunistów. A pan nie? Ukłony

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  20. "I can't believe so many people make such a stink about the minimum wage. Such a small percentage of the workforce actually *makes* the minimum wage that lowering or raising by 35% or whatever isn't going to make a hill of beans of difference".Many union contracts scale the compensation of their members relative to the minimum wage. This is what the authors meant by "spillover effects". This is a very expensive proposition, and the authors' attitude appears to be "the companies have the money, and we want it".

  21. dit :ah ben voilà !!! deja je suis contente de te retrouver … et j’aime le thé, moua !!!!!!!! Tres joli design … moi je veux bien tester la Special T, ça me changera des mes Special Ka … Ok, je sors 😛

  22. According to the SAG website, “Background Actors may join SAG upon proof of employment as a SAG–covered background player at full SAG rates and conditions for a MINIMUM of three work days…”so 3 days work = “a pretty amazing accomplishment”P.S. Production Assistants have neither the power nor the desire to further an actor’s career. They view most real actors as pompous a**es, and they never, ever, care about the “star quality” of the extras.

  23. это очень хорошая идея и я ее поддерживаю. Вообще, любюой человек с интересной историей может опубликоваться у меня, как это делают некоторый журналисты. Так что пишите мне на почту – договоримся.

  24. ואו ואו הגזמתם!!! מזה פסטיגל כבר יהיה פחוט אחרי הכל זה עדין לא ברמהאבל אני אבבא עם המשפחה רק חבל שאין באשקלון או אשדוד או רמת גן/בני ברק אני באה!!:)ויפה למי שבאההיו שם חמש שש בנות!! מזלאני היתי בטיול אבל גם אם אז לא היתי באה זה לא בשביךי שיראו אותי ממש כשיש הרבה מי שם לב בכלל!!:)

  25. 05/10/2012Ciao Salvatore, grazie per il tuo commento. E’ da tempo che stiamo portando avanti l’idea di creare una figura specifica sull’hotel internet marketing per le strutture ricettive. E’ difficile proporla perché non si riesce a capire il reale valore che possa generare. Non ci diamo per vinti e continuiamo a credere che la formazione professionale sia il vero volano dell’economia turistica alberghiera.

  26. Romaric8 jan 2013Bonjour Florence,Pour vous abonner à l'agenda psychologie dans un logiciel comme Outlook, iCal… : vous ajoutez un calendrier dans le logiciel dont l'adresse sera : webcal://www.psychocino.fr/?plugin=all-in-one-event-calendar&controller=ai1ec_exporter_controller&action=export_eventsPour vous abonner à l'agenda psychologie dans Google Agenda, .N'hésitez pas à partager l'agenda psychologie avec vos contacts, merci !

  27. Great news for those of us opposed to turbines: let’s hope the case comes to court real soon and is not delayed. Turbine Torment! We have to put a stop to them somehow- and soon! It is so sad that we, as ordinary residents, have to fight so hard for our ‘quiet enjoyment’ of our property and homes. Where is the justice! Eric Gillespie – good luck – we are all behind you 110 per cent! You are not just fighting for the Wiggins family, but for all of us!

  28. Mariana comentou em 6 de julho de 2012 às 18:59. Que legal esse texto, parabéns pra quem escreveu e pra equipe do site que publicou! É importante lembrar que a sua beleza não precisa passar necessariamente pela “fôrma” que as revistas e blogs de moda colocam como o “in”, o desejável, o lindo. Prezem sua individualidade, meninas! Sempre!

  29. Por eso dije yo que el orgullo será para ellos (que tampoco entiendo por qué se tienen que sentir más orgullosos que el resto, pero bueno..dejemoslo ahí) no para Salamanca.. sin ánimo de querer parecer demagogo ni ser un comentario facilón, sino de pura lógica.Si mañana estoy paseando por la calle y me encuentro a esta gente haciendo el “tonto” por el hecho de ser gay, trans o lo que sea.. luego no os extrañe que la gente se ría u os mire diferente.

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  31. Remember that your and other’s perfect imperfections are part of a growth process and EVERYONE is doing the best they can in that moment. There is learning in every upset for us. Only you can decide whether you want to carry gasoline or water the fire of the situation.

  32. Ahh no, sad to hear they're standards have slipped. I used to work about two minutes up the road and spent many hours in The Well, not nearly enough of them eating. But when we did manage to eat, it was good – I remember some imaginative cheese plates.Tried the Hat & Feathers a while ago on some 2-fer-1 deal and it was atrocious then. Blergh.

  33. hello, what is a coach supposed to do?A coach can say hello, exchange quick pleasantries and move on.This assumes that the story in the article is accurate.The anecdote about BG reeks of a planted swipe against BG. Note that the writer tried and convicted BG in the same paragraph by declaring the meeting a recruiting violation.

  34. d’accord pour un spectacle de lumieres,mais il faudrait peut etre rassurer tout ceux qui pensent voir des ovni dans le ciel pres de Montreal,la nouvelle court sur internet.

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  36. field, you wrote:I am getting out my checkbook as soon as I am finished typing this post…Not that you're serious, but Bohannon's plea for tuition money is about as genuine as the daily pleas I hear from "homeless" guys on the subway who say they need a little money for food.

  37. hey rockson, dun care abt those ppl with too much time to spare… they got nothing to do that’s why they go write forum… want to geh kiang only… just blog more often k? very entertaining… looking forward to more of your blogs…

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  40. I didn’t really care for a bill with more than 24 ammendments. But the “amnesty for illegals” argument is just a red herring. Those ‘against’ amnesty would also be against setting up the machinery needed to send them to country of origin.I estimate a buracracy of 400,000 added U.S. gov’t workers and about 200 billion a year. Detention facilities, courts, transportation, all need to be greatly enlarged.The ‘conservatives’ have thrown Bush overboard but need an emotional wedge-issue to keep the wingers stirred up.

  41. I’m glad to hear Dandelions do not grow well down there. Please be responsible spreading non-native plants, lest they overtake and overshadow native species. Here in MO we struggle with honeysuckle overtaking everything so that often urban forest understories are solid honeysuckle. We need to be very responsible when transplanting species.

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  44. As someone watching from outside it all I can honestly say there was more interest in what was happening. The rest of the world sighed a deep sigh of relief when the results finally came in. Thank you. Although it was sad to see how many people share Romney’s views or were too stupid to do anything other than vote for the party they always have done.

  45. SaraI have a recent new addiction to a local place called Froyolicious. It’s yogurt so it’s healthy right? Even if I cover it with peanut butter cups and Oreo pieces… right?(not medical advice: but I do use the combo bolus for my frozen yogurt. Not as long as for fast food, pizza, or pasta, but I still delay about 20% of the bolus)

  46. hi elliott! good video. i’m concerned about the videos lack of acknowledgement for the role of carbohydrates in building muscle, particularly for experienced lifters. given that MPS (muscle protein synthesis) works best when the muscle is in a positive energy balance don’t you think cutting carbs to the extent you advise, will seriously affect muscle gains? i know this video is based on fat loss, but some of the younger guys reading this will probably follow this diet with muscle gains in mind.

  47. y habrá algún LIDER de los que nos quieren representar en MORENA o en l PRD ó en algún SINDICATO ó partidfo político para , cuando menos preguntar como va el asunto de la demanda contra el ATRACO que hizo HURTObeto Moreira con los $ 54 mmdp que desaparecio en COAHUILA , ó será que es … ¨¨ asunto cerrado ó ahora llamado carpetazo, preguntemosle cuando menos eso a JUAN N SILVA, ………. tal vez sepa algo , no creén ?

  48. This is a very interesting video but I have one question with regards to your suggestion that the chest will not/should not be incorporated with this breathing.I understand perfectly that the abdomen can remain largely still and that only the upper abdomen will engage, I guess partly as a result of the lower ribs expanding, but surely as the breath deepens the rib cage will expand quite fully, or are you suggesting this is to be avoided with this technique ?

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  50. 27/08/2011 – 10:49pmY que lo digas, Caco, sinvergüenzas ya les queda corto. Se ve que alguien ha repasado la noticia y ha creído más conveniente seguir con el lavado del culo del luso. Porque yo no he patinado: esta mañana ponía que “no ha sido invitado” y ahora ponen que “ha declinado la invitación”. Banda de cagatintas, a cada cual más cabrón y merengón…

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  52. Grinder,No offense to you but I hope you realize that there is no point to this conversation. Black and white will never be reconciled in this country and we will probably never understand each other either, it’s not meant to be. I think dialogue is a good idea to keep things from getting too ugly but at a certain point you should let sleeping dogs lie.

  53. Emőke,Köszi az ötletet, palacsintasütőben ki is fogom próbálni. Kíváncsi vagyok milyen lehet!Ditta,Nekem is teljesen újdonság ez a lekvár, de sok volt a cseresznye, nem bírtam mind megenni és nem akartam kidobni, így jött az ötlet, hogy akkor legyen belőle lekvár. Egy próbát mindenképpen megért ;))

  54. Have to agree with the author – there is no logic behind Kawauchi's participation (presuming that Fukuoka is his target race) unless he has secondary ultra aspirations (…at which he might excel…my mind drifts to Tomoe Abe Abe and her medal in WC93 Stuttgart marathon and subsequent 1ookm WB record which still stands from 2000.) But Kawauchi ran something like 3:50 (is that correct?) for 1500m in the summer. What exactly is the best distance for this incredible talent? …Roll on Fukuoka.

  55. I am very enjoyed for this blog. Its an informative topic. It help me very much to solve some problems. Its opportunity are so fantastic and working style so speedy. I think it may be help all of you. Thanks.

  56. Funny, I sentEric and Elizabethon their own {Willwas busy} this year,protesting that "It'sjust a food fest!"Now I wish I'd goneand found these yummythings. You are right,our normal fair foodof corn dogs, cheesecurds, root beer floatsand Sweet Martha's canbe a bit discomforting!That smoothie lookedamazing, as did the macaroons : ) !!xx Suzanne

  57. Acabo de descubrir estos dos posts a través del enlace de una amiga en una red social. Me han parecido fascinantes y han confirmado una sospecha que siempre he tenido. Soy filóloga y me gustaría decirte que lo has dejado todo perfectamente claro, que te expresas maravillosamente y que la ciencia, así, para todos, sirve de mucho. Mi más sincera enhorabuena por este blog y especialmente por esta entrada.

  58. i dont believe she attacks chris in her book nor do i believe she is one sided. i believe innocent til proven guilty. obviously the police never even found her a little bit guilty because she was never charged for the crime. i belive we as a country wanted blood we wanted answers and were willing to believe what we were feed by the media. unfortunately a clever lawyer used that to their advantage painting an innocent person out to be heinous and capable of anything. because i believe a guilyt man was set free in less then a minute.read the book

  59. Hi Christina,I have still yet to unpack mine. They’re all lonely in the garage! This weekend shows no signs of mellowing. I’m gonna get a Christmas tree, visit with some college friends in S.F. and start/finish (!) Christmas shopping. What are your plans? Doing anything exciting?

  60. Magdiel***on Camarada.. tengo el Iphone 4S actualizado.. versión 5.1.1 y ya hice todo lo ke mencionas.. y el Absinthe 2.0.4 no corre.. me aparece una pantalla negra.. preciono (Y) para ke jale y nada. no me deja correrlo.. que onda.?NO FUNCIONA EN IPHONE 4S*** o.O

  61. Moraleja: Hay un puesto libre en la pastelería, ¡¡ aprovéchalo !! Tenéis artículos muy interesantes y sobre todo, de los que nadie sabe (por ejemplo, este caso no lo conocía). Me ha sorprendido la situación de esta joven. Aunque me gustaría saber de que fue el Máster que estaba realizando en Londres.Un Saludo.

  62. Гавно а е школа и всё ничего в ней хорошо уже нет с приходом замечательного такого директора один ремонт туалета обошелся в 3 миллиона!!!а в женском туалете так инет дверей!!!

  63. Los portales de buesqueda de empleo habitualmente están muy sesgados y ademas estan muy meidatizados por preguntas cerradas que de no dar la respuesta adecudad te excluyen de los procesos por muy bien que estes preparado de la oferta. No son personas las que mira a los candidatos. Tras pasar unos filtros si. pero pudieron dejar a candidatos buenisimos por el camino. La mayor partede la empresas saben que buscar por internet es prescinfdir de encontrar al empleado ideal.Un saludo

  64. I do love the way you have presented this specific issue and it does present me personally some fodder for consideration. On the other hand, because of what precisely I have personally seen, I only trust as the actual reviews stack on that men and women remain on point and not get started on a tirade of the news du jour. Yet, thank you for this outstanding piece and while I do not really agree with the idea in totality, I respect your perspective.

  65. Si sa che Rubbi è un entusiasta. Forse, per non essere spudorato e proporre una sua mostra, ne ha scelta una che coinvolge (a parte lui) anche molti altri artisti 'cordata'.

  66. Du kan hæve helvede NU … Men vi er nødt til at uddanne flere mennesker … Flere mennesker har brug for pleje. Vi skal have mere pres bag vores slag …. Hold deler video, Pass it on, Inviter folk til at se denne slags ting, FÃ¥ dem til at føle den mÃ¥de, du gør … Vigtigst ER IKKE STOP!

  67. Make sure you inform me personally which youre going to maintain this particular upward! It’s so great and thus essential. We cannot wait around to see much more through a person. I simply sense as if you understand therefore greatly as well as understand how to help to make individuals pay attention to exactly what you’ve to express. This web site is equally as nicely awesome to become skipped. Superb things, certainly. Make sure you, MAKE SURE YOU continue the good work!

  68. Pour moi le pur scandale est qu’il faille attendre une hypothétique finale de Championnat d’Europe de Basket pour voir ce sport (deuxième sport collectif en nombre de licenciés en France) sur le service public, à quand remonte les dernières images de basket de l’équipe de France sur France 2 ou France 3 (le plus grand terrains de sport ……)?Merci

  69. he was initially on the side of rock n roll fans in the 50s because classical music no longer offered anything alive and vital to young people. But he turned against rock music when it came to define the entire culture of the 60s generation.Allan Bloom died of AIDS. He's not really the person to lecture the rest of us on how listening to Mozart is essential to the creation of a well-ordered soul.

  70. kat – We'll have to meet up the next time you are out. It's been a long time since our Foodbuzz meeting! :)Maureen – You have me completely intrigued by this bread! What a great save! Yeah, I made a batch of the chocolate balls last week and they got goopy. I let them mix too long and the banana got soft. I think doing the mixing by hand is better for those. I froze mine though. That is quite the accomplishment to turn it into bread! 🙂

  71. Kedves mogyoró és az utána hozzászóló névtelen!Miért is kéne rögtön besokallnia Karcsinak, mert valakinek van véleménye? Miféle otromba hozzászólásokról írsz?Nem minden otrombaság ami nem egyezik mások véleményével!!Egyébként Karcsi van olyan egyéniség, hogy megvédi saját magát vagy az álláspontját, nem kell rögtön iderohanni megvédeni őt!

  72. Totally agree. A good way to sniff this out is to determine if the customer is happy to devote time to exploring alternative workarounds so they can still use your product. If they are then usually they like your product but genuinely have a problem fitting it in, if not then it’s most likely a “don’t call us….”.

  73. This somehow would bring to mind that Rocko’s Modern Life episode “Junk Junkies.” Heffer contributed with a Melted G.I. Jimbo action figure, and the only guy who noticed it was a SPEECHLESS Nerd who paid $500 for it, enough to pay off that debt to Pizza Face Pizza! Of course, had Rocko rejected the offer for $200 for his old pogo stick, he would’ve been rich enough to buy a NEW Set of furniture.

  74. As I told you yesterday, I am so inspired by you and all the positive changes you’re making in your life. I know training isn’t going to be easy but honestly, I think the hardest part of this whole experience is behind you. You pushed that button and you registered. YOU DID IT! Yay You!

  75. “duly authorised by law”. It is not the same as international exhaustion..Once again, while critiques of newspaper reports are always welcome (since we are all attempting to help them get their facts right), castigating them for shoddy work when all they have done is to highlight a loophole in the law does nothing more than reflect shoddiness on your part.

  76. Hey Amara,I know its not the best way to contact you but couldn’t find an email address or contact form.I am writing to inquire if you would be interested in writing for an upcoming online only magazine. It will be all about Pakistani art, culture and lifestyle and we would be delighted if you can write about the fashion scene in Pakistan.Let me know if that interests you even a slight bit and I can provide you some more details.Thanks

  77. Wonderful is the only word I can use to describe your incredible talent. The word generous hardly scratches the surface of your truly beautiful nature. You share your obvious joy in creating with the world at large with such an open heart and I wait eagerly each day to see what stunning ideas you have come up with next.THANK YOU for bringing your inspiration to us all.

  78. pas être négatif de voir les choses telles qu’elles sont. Je suis ni en colère, ni triste. Mais je suis pas né hier, et je me fais pas d’illusion. C’est mieux de rêver en couleurs?Ok, je noirci le trait, mais c’est pour bien souligner. Et par un certain amour de la provocation. Ça fait de bon débats!

  79. I am using a similar plan with t-mobile. an android phone to be paid off in 20 months, no data plan, 2000 anytime family mins/70$ + 10/phone ($20)/month. so i pay90+taxes, use android on wifi, get all benefits of goog/androids – kids get their games downloaded using wifi and i talk away to use up my minutes. 90$ (as good as unlimited talk for 2 + 2 android phones) with no data plan. will never sign up with att or veriz.

  80. Veo negocio con las fotos en las playas, acercarse a las sombrillas y toallas. Cuando la gente está tumbada tomando el sol, está muy dispuesta a la diversión y suelen tener allí cámara de fotos. Eso sí, es muy duro trabajar al sol, pero más duro es no tener dinero para funcionar en tu vida.Gracias a todos por los comentarios divertidos e instructivos. Salud. E.

  81. Здравствуйте! Только что заполнила и отправила Вам своё резюме. Очень хотелось бы попасть к Вам на курсы Quality Assurance. Подскажите пожалуйста когда начинаются ближайшие курсы и что необходимо знать для успешного прохождения собеседования.

  82. Joséphine > le jour où je pourrai toucher le bout de mes pieds, oué je serai contente 😀 marie > moi j’aime bien le moment où elle dit « et on relâche ». Gie > heureusement la prof est très sympa.

  83. Alonso, mano laimÄ—jimų/pralaimÄ—jimų balansÄ… gali rasti meniu punkte “pinigai” o online laimÄ—jau per fuksÄ… ar ne per fuksÄ…, čia jau sprÄ™sti ne man, žinau tik tiek, kad atmuÅ¡iau per metus įdÄ—tus pinigus maždaug 6 kartus AÅ¡ norėčiau irgi UK pažaisti, reikÄ—s gal susiplanuoti kokiÄ… kelionÄ™ per Å¡iuos metus, matysim ir dar labai siÅ«lau įdÄ—ti į savo komentarus Å¡iek tiek pozityvumo, žinok, daug maloniau viskas

  84. We would like to thank you all over again for the wonderful ideas you gave Jesse when preparing her post-graduate research plus, most importantly, for providing each of the ideas in one blog post. Provided that we had been aware of your web page a year ago, we might have been saved the needless measures we were taking. Thanks to you.

  85. Don’t think that “martial arts” were invented in China… There is evidence of technique-based wrestling and armed combat even in 26th century BC in the Mediterranean countries. But yes, what you say about Asian systems is true. They were first taught to protect important people who traveled the Silk Road.

  86. I love your blog.. very nice colors & theme. Did you make this website yourself or did you hire someone to do it for you? Plz answer back as I’m looking to construct my own blog and would like to find out where u got this from. thanks

  87. You touch on something here that’s actually surprised me (in a good way) about this post – the number of women that seem to be relating to it regardless of how many kids they have or want. You’re right – no matter how big or small your family, when you decide to stop adding to it, there is pain in that finality.

  88. You give them gas-x with their meals? I know with Thunder’s history bloat would be a huge concern, has it been proven that the gas-x prevents bloat? I just watched a disturbing video of a dog bloating from the Akita rescue. I couldn’t believe they video-taped it, but thankfully the dog survived!

  89. If an order for the “other” CK01B-item should get mixed up with the chemistry kit, I would like to see the expression on the guy’s face when he receives a whole laboratory of scientific stuff.Would he know where to begin?C  Chris Els

  90. Co do wracajÄ…cych raz na jakiÅ› czas uwag, że nie ma sensu kupować kredensu bo mentalna przepaść itd.Panowie, czy dobrze rozumiem? Nie ma sensu rozmawiać z Rosjanami, bo i tak nie przerobimy ich na Polaków?Ciekawe… Bo Rosjanie już chyba wybili sobie z gÅ‚owy przerabianie Polaków na Ruskich :)) I z chÄ™ciÄ… pogadają 🙂

  91. Vertical Harvest will be a three story vertical greenhouse located in the heart of Jackson, Wyoming. Its mission includes the establishment of meaningful employment opportunities for our citizens with disabilities, as well as growth of premium grade vegetables and fruit all year round, even in a cold climate. This economically self-sufficient business will serve our community for years to come, and will be a replicable model for others to follow in the future.

  92. Great stuff Ben.Re: Chomsky video. Also not a comment on the content itself. But one thing he also does is he LISTENS to the questions and is cool, calm, and collected in his response. She hardly listens, which is why she frantically continues to try to make him stumble, hardly has ANY follow-up questions on Chomsky’s actual responses, and her painbody is interfering with her ability to do an excellent job.Chomsky stayed as cool as an arctic cucumber. Giuliani and Reagan were also good at this.

  93. Alguien me puede decir….como enviar streeming…me explico…no tengo problema en reproducir contenido que tengo en mi ordenador en la tele…pero si quiero reproducir una radio o contenido online no puedo…ni conh vlc ni con WM12…ni con nada…instalé teversity pro y tampoco…Alguien sabe como hacerlo o sabe de algun post donde se explique esto??…llevo ya tiempo gogleando y nada de nada…Graciassalu2

  94. But Linda, I do not like green eggs and ham……:)I guess I just write. I write, I read if a book interests me.Our readers find us, just as I find books I’m eager to read. I really don’t care what genre if the story is good.Sorry Carol Ann, but my husband does read kids books if I recommend them. He’d probably read “woman’s fiction” if I told him it was a good story.Okay Linda, just for you….yes, with a goat..

  95. I have seen that car insurance companies know the vehicles which are vulnerable to accidents and also other risks. Additionally , they know what sort of cars are prone to higher risk as well as the higher risk they have the higher the particular premium charge. Understanding the straightforward basics regarding car insurance will assist you to choose the right form of insurance policy that will take care of your family needs in case you become involved in any accident. Thank you for sharing the actual ideas on your own blog.

  96. Hola! Me parece muy bien que haya contestado, pero esa frase ha salido de su boca, igual que la frase de comparar a los gays con manzanas y peras.El samur social no lo ha creado ella, que ya lleva bastante tiempo, asi que no quiere adjudicarse meritos que no la competen.Y es mas fácil echar balones fuera desprestigiando a otra persona de otro partido antes que reconoces sus errores. Vayase señora Botella.

  97. Já agora, não esquecer que o PC foi aberto e mantido durante anos por um "individualista protestante", por acaso, neste momento, mais residente no Blasfémias do que aqui. E que também nunca censurou qualquer comentário, com excepção dos que envolvem insultos pessoais a terceiros, caso em que de modo algum se poderá falar em censura, já que esta limita a liberdade de opinião e não a liberdade de insulto.Abs.,RA

  98. great job. I really do like it. Wonder what one the three of you decorated would look like ??Lightening bolts etc?? What did Grandma think ? Bet she was surprised. That child of yours has such a variety of interests and does quite well at all of them.Merry Christmas

  99. There’s the end-organ, and then there’s the processing of the sensory inputs.I’m sure I distinguish among scents as well as anybody. What I completely lack is the ability to name what I’m tasting without visual or tangible clues.My wife tortures me with this. She knows I hate lemon, so she sneaks lemon into food she makes and with a devilish grin asks me “Guess what’s in this?”best,Flea

  100. I knew that I had PR’d well on this, but not that the score was in such company until I posted it on Beyond the Whiteboard and I came up 8th on the site.I know that I did all the rounds I reported, and even kept track of where I was at 10, 20, and 30 rounds, all were consistent with and average of just under 2/minute.Butterflies are my rest, and push ups are just not hard for T-Rex.

  101. Hola, por fin un análisis bursátil. Quisiera pedirles que publiquen más análisis bursátiles (uno semanal o al menos quincenal) enfocando su análisis en aquellas acciones en los que están invertidos sus clientes, es decir Citi, Apple, Vale, UYG AdAstra etc. Desde la crísis de Grecia las acciones han caído y me gustaría saber cómo ven la perspectiva de aquí a fin de año para la bolsa en general y las acciones administradas por Ustedes en especial.Muy antentamenteAndreas Sonka

  102. – Sue’s right about the widget. But every widget can have a conterpart if you’re willing to put a bit of effort into doing it yourself. Let’s just call it a home-birth There is a growing set of ‘Gadgets’ in Blogger. The innovative use of these can provide you with devices that mimic, if not are better than some commodified widgets. Check out your Gadgets list in Layout in Blogger. Depending on how you use them they can be very useful.@Sue – there now. I told you I wouldn’t yell Catchyafrom Middle-earth

  103. Exactly, Shea! People only seem to care about themselves, which is a huge part of the problem. Let me know what kind of response you get to the extra smiles and helpful attitude. I bet you’ll get back far more than you give.

  104. Alex: Être indépendant, c’est être surexploité par des salariés qui, eux, font 35 heures par semaine, prennent leurs congés, ont une vie sociale, familiale et culturelle très riche… parce qu’ils vous font faire leur boulot !Et en plus les salariés en question ont une fâcheuse tendance à regarder de haut ces indépendants qu’ils exploitent. Et finalement, pourquoi s’en priveraient-ils ?

  105. Cette année, le printemps va représenter quelque chose de très spéciale.. puisque ça sera la naissance de mon premier enfant.. je sais que je ne verrai plus jamais le printemps du même oeil!!Et en attendant le bout'chou, sa maman veut bien se bichonner les pieds, pour qu'elle soit belle pour sa venue !Gros bec de Suisse (jura bernois)!

  106. Hahaa! Luulin jo, että olin käsittänyt/muistanut jotain väärin kun väitin ykköstyypin diabeetikoille olevan mahdollista pärjätä ilman lisäinsuliinia. Mutta en minä sitä sittenkään omasta päästäni keksinyt 😉 ykköstyypin diabeetikosta, joka on ollut jo 4 vuotta ilman lisäinsuliinia. Mutta silloin saa jo olla todella tarkkana mitä syö.

  107. Thanks for your publication. One other thing is that often individual American states have their unique laws that will affect people, which makes it extremely tough for the the legislature to come up with a fresh set of rules concerning home foreclosure on property owners. The problem is that a state features own legislation which may have impact in an undesirable manner in regards to foreclosure insurance plans.

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  109. Dude! I love Girl Genius – but haven’t read it in about a year. So thank *you* for reminding me! Douchebag smells about like what you’d imagine – the main note is “obnoxious as shit.”

  110. Hello, i think that i saw you visited my site thus i came to “return the favor”.I’m attempting to find things to improve my site!I suppose its ok to use some of your ideas!!

  111. Так неожиданно.Когда предстоит выбор, я начинаю сомневаться- какая тема важнее? Не могу выбрать. С помощью вашего проекта- «ÃÂ¢ÃÂ²ÃÂ¾ÃÂ¹ старт» запустил сайт.Надо доводить его до ума, всё упирается во время, точнее в его отсутствии( сейчас у меня сессия в университете). А из перечисленных тем волнуют все темы, но в данное время, скорее волнует вопрос- обрести мышление успешного человека всего за несколько недель.2069

  112. 我唔係未試過,我試過安份守己,日搏夜搏,賺得果一萬幾千,我試過,但出面果班人,出面果班人呀,佢地識建築識起樓咩?佢地只係拎少少錢出黎,拎少少時間,炒起個樓市就不停係度賺大錢,咁叫公平咩!你出去問下人,是但問一個人,問下佢地想要d乜野!佢地答案好簡單,只係想要一間好普通好普通既樓!點解佢地要用成世人既時間去供 一層樓呀?因為d有錢佬係度玩野呀!越有錢就越有得玩呀!呢個世界公平咩?呢個世界公平咩!!

  113. Engin bey,Evet çok iyi anlıyorum, Adobe Air ‘i hazırladığın web projelerinin admin panelinde kullanmayı düşünüyorum ve sanırım güzel sonuçlar çıkacak.Kitabınızı aldım ve sizi heprik ederim çok baÅŸarılı buldum. Aslında benim çalışma flatformum Dreamweaver olmasına ramen iyi bir kaynak oldu.

  114. 28/04/2012 at 9:06 amWith havin so much content do you ever run into any problems of plagorism or copyright infringement? My blog has a lot of completely unique content I’ve either authored myself or outsourced but it seems a lot of it is popping it up all over the internet without my authorization. Do you know any solutions to help protect against content from being stolen? I’d certainly appreciate it. Log in to Reply

  115. brasileiro. Livros: 1. The Book of Lost Tales 1 (1983) 2. The Book of Lost Tales 2 (1984) 3. The Lays of Beleriand (1985) 4. The Shaping of Middle-earth (1986) 5. The Lost Road and Other Writings (1987) 6. The Return of

  116. Jan M. Fijor pisze:Nie, to jest brak troski o firme i balagan. Ostatnio moj kolega lecial LOT-em za pol ceny, dal kierownikowi pokladu w lape. Czy to jest wychodzenie naprzeciw klienteli? W pewnym sensie, ale… Pozdrawiam Jan M. Fijor

  117. Gracianne, quel bonheur de te lire, d’écouter cet air splendide (c’est Raimondi qui chante, non???)et de s’imaginer goûtant ces cailles qui ont l’air plus que délicieuses et que l’on s’imagine servies par un Leporello (sous les traits de José Van Dam, bien sûr!!!)…Je suis admirative, vraiment!Merci beaucoup d’avoir participé à ce petit jeu, je suis vraiment ravie…Bonne journée,Anna (Mesmetsetmoi)

  118. lexorciste / J’ai jamais joué a Darkstalkers, mais si le jeux est bon bien sur que je ferait parti des fans de ce jeux. Par contre pour street fighter je met un pouce vert pour la 3d mais la la 3d pour ce jeux me fait peur, sa serait un peu chiant d’avoir 3 jeux différends avec les mêmes graphismes.

  119. owner. Providing cooking tips and making the kitchen fun is his goal. To learn more about the history of pizza in America and what makes good pizza visit his website. Category: Internet Marketing Tag: cookig tips

  120. Daria…THANK YOU! Now for figuring out 7 things about myself that someone might actually want to know. LOL. I can tell you that I’m completely with you on the size 10 forever now and the carbs. Oh, the carbs. I. Love. Carbs. LOL. Thank you!!!!

  121. Nu trebuie să fim atât de pesimiști. În Timișoara cel puțin, avem câteva stiluri arhitecturale care le putem arăta. Nu prea avem muzee, dar cu un ghid bine pus la punct poți descoperi câteva fun fact-uri faine despre oraș.

  122. Hi, i’m currently a Senior in high school and i’m currently enrolled in a advanced level college math course. I thought I was able to handle it since I was a huge math person. I currently have a C+ in the class and I was wondering if it woul make a difference to drop the class second semester. It is an optional course since I have all my math credits. I’ve been accepted to multiple universities already and waiting on a reply on some. Would me dropping the class affect my chances of getting into a school?

  123. Para aquellos que no os guardan los favoritos. A mi tampoco me lo hacia, y es que esta aplicación tiene a mi entender un fallo de interfaz, ya que para que te marque una ubicación como favorita, la tienes que desmarcar!! El icono de la estrella aparece por defecto activado. Simplemente desactivandolo se añade a favoritos la ubicación.Un saludo

  124. something about having generator problems in the middle of everything, but it took me a long time to trust him again.Similarly, there was a recent thread on here where just a few people were arguing about nothing much. I don’t like that kind of thing, and I’m sure it must drive good people away. Incog’s message is good, but then we get that kind of thing. I’m not saying the arguments aren’t justified. Sometimes they are. I just don’t think it helps when it goes on for too long.Peace brother, and that goes for all the genuine White People here.

  125. His take on film verse digital is really just spot on. I always loved the not knowing 100% what I had until I picked those negs or prints from the lab or darkroom. There was an almost Christmas morning feeling every time I went to the lab. And the not knowing kept me on edge and sharp. That feeling has really been lost with the instant gratification of digital. Now it's more like Halloween. You get your quick fix and move onto the next house.

  126. “I will buy her a diamond necklace and a Mercedes”. “Why are you buying her 2 presents” said the poor man. The rich man replied “if she doesn’t like the diamonds she can take them back to the shop in the Mercedes”. The poor man said ” I will buy her flip flops and a dildo”. “Why” said the rich man, the poor man replied ” if she doesn’t like the flip flops she can go fuck herself”.The flip flops etc. are in the post babe.The Hammer xxx

  127. Bomber, your argument that non-allocated elections aren't representative is like a sieve.Perhaps your argument would be more solid if you referred to the Treaty. How about this:The Treaty was based on partnership in governance. However because of the demographic equation Maori aren't guaranteed partnership. Therefore Maori require allocated seats. Grin – thank you Chris, I simply assumed 'representative' would be understood from the position of indigenous culture, but you are right, it needs better definition and you've done that very well, thank you.

  128. 36c128Appealing segment of content material. I just stumbled upon your web site and in accession cash to assert that I acquire actually enjoyed account your weblog posts. Any way I’ll be subscribing in your feeds as well as I achievement you entry constantly swiftly.aeb

  129. Perso je suis déçu M. Vidberg … vous vous êtes contenté de dessiner deux lignes de cases puis vous avez fais du « copier-coller » … c’est pas comme ça que vous allez combler le temps qui vous reste à attendre la retraite !

  130. it’s not necessary to baptize infants. Again, I-and several others-have already said this.I didn’t not imply you did call me a Molly. I was implying that my statements sounded “Molly-ish” even to myself.Read before you reply. [sigh] I’m all done.

  131. a.: jau, bei allem respekt vor den "profis" auf R.A., aber…der brontosaurus remix ist wirklich top notch…der werte herrr reviewer hätte sich bloss mal den podcast der brontosaurus-jungs auf seiner schreiberischen homebase reinziehen müssen, um festzustellen, dass deren remix für "throw up" nicht nur (ausschliesslich) im rahmen eines live-sets funktioniert. big up to brontosaurus! (und auch ein big up to you – deine tracks sind ebenfalls high quality!!!).

  132. Hi Williams Family, Thank you so much for your great comment! We are glad you chose to stay with us. Please be sure to contact us the next time you and your family come back to Treasure Island. Take care.

  133. Hi Ann I am excited to try your recipe! Can you tell me what caster sugar is and I assume icing sugar is super fine sugar??? I read through a lot of your blog but did not see that mentioned. Judith

  134. “Las enfermedades preexistentes solamente pueden establecerse a partir de la declaración jurada del usuario y no pueden ser criterio del rechazo de admisión de los usuarios”. A lo que responde el Hospital que recién en 180 días entraría en vigencia la ley cuando este reglamentada, por lo tanto no se ven obligado en cumplir con la normativa????

  135. DOT physical is good every where and can be used by any company.AND… There are companies that have a policy in place that states they want you to have a physical by their own examiner. But there is no law, only company policy. Thanks for the question. Trucker Doc

  136. 16 jan 2013bonjour,j’ai essayé de créer le calendrier psy dans mon outlook mais ça n’a pas marché car je n’ai pas trouvé la fonction « ajouter un calendrier »… que faire ?merci de vos réponsesNadette

  137. Chi…exactly! I don’t have an issue with most social programs. I do have an issue with how most are run, or whether they even provide any benefit more than what would happen if people paid less taxes and had the discretionary dollars to pay for the services themselves.

  138. Hmm is anyone else experiencing problems with the images on this blog loading? I’m trying to determine if its a problem on my end or if it’s the blog. Any feed-back would be greatly appreciated.

  139. Concordo principalmente nas palavras do Windows 8, por mais que falem será um sistema muito bom rápido leve e melhor com um ótimo custo ja mais visto antes.Usando Google Chrome 21.0.1180.41 em Windows 7 x64 Edition

  140. Yo también soy todas ellas y ellos, todas aquellas personas que se revelan ante las injusticias sociales…Qué pena que tambíen al otro lado del agua tengan que sufrir este tipo de situaciones, que no olvidemos también vivimos constantemente en nuestra tierra…mi más absoluto rechazo a la utilización por parte de desalmados de su poder para neutralizar a la ciudadadanía y a la gente con principios.

  141. I’ve noted my reasons for Obama’s “bump” elsewhere. If he tracks to the middle & the economy improves measurably & no other significant events trip him up He Is Likely to Get Re-Elected.The reason he’s moved towards the center is the most recent butt whipping he took (see Election 2010).He’s even started to reassemble some retreads from the Clinton administration and brought in a business friendly chief of staff.It would be helpful if people started reading the papers and not just the polls.

  142. I really need this for work! I work in a group home for physically disabled clients and having this to check on medication cause/affect’s also to email social workers would be a big plus! The city where the home is located has public WiFi on every other corner so Internet access is there.I also have family in another state so I use Skype to call them all the time.

  143. Why is it that unkind comments are always left by anonymous people? That's all I'm going to say about the comment above as I don't wish to dignify it with a reply or give it more attention…I love your pouches and the idea of an EEPP kit is a fabulous one – makes you sound like a sewing superhero!! (Which, of course, you are!) xx

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  145. DW Most marriages are confining now and after a while, the person confined has so much resentment in them, they eventually blow a fuse and divorce is usually the outcome. Some women and men will stay but they will be miserable. I pick quality over quantity any day.Steffie, so busy huh? Dont worry, your survival job wont be that way for much longer now, it truly is insane the work schedule we all have to adhere to. Kepp visualizing the work place of our future and if my dogs want to come to work with me, so be it.

  146. Como foi possivel que deputados,primeiros ministros,presidentes da republica, ministros de economia,finanças,trabalho,agricultura,presidentes de camara,tivessem feito tanto mal a um país desde finais da década de 80,continuando a ter uma vida pública com um sorriso na cara como se a sua obra tivesse sido boa…?

  147. Aye LGF used to be a decent blog after 9-11 but iv not found myself there for some considerable time now. TRoP has the news, Jihadwatch has the comment and Pam, GoV etc fill the gaps. Theres no need for LGF if there just going to spread descent.

  148. Actually it’s not that painful if anything it’s a relieving feeling.I know because I had a huge abscess on my neck and it felt good as soon as I punctured it within 2-3 seconds the pain was gone and I felt so much better.So trust me that Bull felt better as soon as he got cut open.The abscess is very painful coz of the pressure under the skin and the poison makes you feverish so it’s a good feeling!!!

  149. Hallo Dawid, sehr interessantes Posting! Bei dem Thema paßt dein Domainname ja wie die Faust aufs Auge Interessant finde ich allerdings den roten Fleck bei den Adwords-Anzeigen (rechts): Schaut man da als “normaler User” wirklich so oft hin (außer man ist im SEO/SEM tätig)? Ich persönlich z.B. schaue/klicke eher auf die Plätze 5-10 in den regulären Suchergebnisse (egal ob Yahoo, Google & Co), als auf Platz 1 bei den bezahlten Anzeigen.

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  151. From the photo you can only imagine the violence that has become som often heard of, where it seems, the rule is kicks against the head for maximum injury.Sad. Very sad to witness the European governments' approval of this barbaric behaviour which has no place in Western societies. Leave that to the arabian deserts.I hope Tommy will recover, and that he will have guardians protecting him from now on.

  152. perros:mañana voy con todo lo que juntamos.tengo tres hijos y los puse a que revisen que querian dar para los que no tienen nada.se portaron rebien,hice lo mismo con mi ropa.arregle una bici que ya no se usaba.esto le hace bien al que recibe y al que da,te sentis mas “ser humano”.gracias por hacernos participar,si lo compartis con la familia,mejor todavia.hagamoslo una vez por año.los quiero mucho,juan.

  153. I enjoyed reading a couple of the Bible Study lessons on your blog and I hope that others are blessed and encouraged as they read what you have written.Thanks for the comment that you left on mine. It is good to see that you are able to share from your varying gifts and talents.God Bless you!

  154. Chemicals, of course, represent a problem in commercial farms as it is quite expensive, and doesn’t always work. Achieved by limiting their access to the soil. You are thinking about hiring. As much as possible; do not only pose threats to your back yard, and find the biggest diameter hose you’ve got and turn on the first application missed.

  155. Secret Platnium is my newest deodorant of choice. I was using Degree, but it stopped working for me. Before that it was lady Mitchium (but you can’t find the clear solid any more – and the gel is too goopy). Why oh why do our arm pits reject deodorants?! I hate the ‘OMG I’m stinky!’ moment.

  156. i suffer from terrible anxiety..im 26 now and it him me when i was like 17. Just laying in bed trying to sleep and my heart just started pounding..clammy hands..ect. It got to the point where i couldnt even be around my family..i was so uncomfortable..always on edge..no sleep..i still dont sleep..i couldnt even build up the courage to see a doctor. I still suffer today and now..i have seen a couple doctors..but my anxiety is still there..and its kicking my ass.

  157. Hi John,Happy New Year and thanks for another good article.Magma never have been a really major competitor for Synopsis on the EDA market, but its strange portfolio of the IPs which could threatened or limit the development and distribution of the EDA tools provided by SNPS. It looks like Synopsys did really interesting move acquiring this portfolio for removing legal barriers for their software and still maintaining them for other major players.

  158. YOU!!"I honestly did NOT expect this–note the White House ambivalent, wishy-washy response earlier in the week.This is without a doubt the dumbest and biggest political mistake Prez Hussein has made, just 12 weeks before the elections… It's as if Pres. Truman decided to peacefully hand over the 1st 2 nuclear bombs to the Japs as a "goodwill gesture." Uhhhhh, what's the rationale for this?! "THANKS, BARRY!"There must be a GOP mole in the White House.

  159. Hi,i am having 4year experience in Mobile game /application testing.now i want to learn about mobile application testing through automation.i have visited above links and watched video also but unable to get understand please help me to learn automation testing for mobile application,give me any suggestion.Looking forward for ur quick respone.Thanks,ved

  160. 11, Fistful of love is heerlijk. Ik draai het al een paar keer Mooi vind ik hoe je met iedereen te doen hebt. Zo armzalig was het bij ons thuis. Iedereen was slachtoffer dit of dat. Het is fijn om mijn verhaal kwijt te kunnen. Dat zijn eigenlijk mijn beste momenten. Dat het eruit is. En dus niet meer ‘alleen’ van mij. Veel dank, je woorden steunen! Voor jou ook een echt lekkere dag. .

  161. Bonsoir Annie,Il y a deux formulaires pour remplir les commentaires au bas de ton article !Ta description des anxieux est assez fidèle.J’en ai quelques uns parmi mes clients. Leur sentiment d’injustice est exacerbé par le fait qu’ils donnent beaucoup , ce qui leur donne tous les droits d’accuser l’autre de ne pas être assez en lien. Il confondent bien sûr amour et dépendance.

  162. Oj komiker! Well easy now mr Murphie, det är återigen inte jag som skrivit lagen och den är vad jag förstått inte heller influerad av de muslimska lagarna/reglerna.Du hade inte skrivit på det sätt som du skriver denna gång om dina tankar kring religion och islam. Du hade skrivit på ett sätt som skulle uppfattas som stötande och även hets mot folkgrupp. Därför blev den kommentaren modererad och inte den senaste.Peace

  163. , at least bump it up to more than 75 or 100.if they can change the look of tumblr, they can change something more relevant to people like this.[]Mr. Tumblr Reply:February 29th, 2012 at 6:39 pmWell, this is a measure against spammers. Maybe they should add some sort of verification before lifting the limit.[]

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  165. If there's something Singapore should have less of, its condominiums. Before we have less of our heritage!And the argument that since we do not "visit" it, it is worthless (bukit brown), I argue that it adds intrinsic value to the nation as a whole. Did England tear down Stonehenge or closed the Imperial War Museum due to low visitation rates by the locals?

  166. As long as this [unnecessary profanity redacted] keeps up we as a country will never achieve what is important to upgrade our lives and standard of living. What ever has happened to the truth and facing problems and finding real solutions for them. Quite a few Americans seem to have gotten their heads stuck while giving them selves DIY bowel inspections. The real issue is not guns it is people control.

  167. Teşekkürler / 20 Mart 2012Sizlere ne kadar teşekkür etsek azdır,inanılmaz emek harcıyorsunuz çok kaliteli programlar yapıyorsunuz bu şekilde devam ederseniz çok iyi yerlere geleceğinizi düşünüyorum ben kendi adıma bir kez daha teşekkür etmek istiyorum iyi ki varsınız Cevaplamak için giriş yapın

  168. [..YouTube..] great idea i need to do that too …. but you know what you may have lost inches do you measure… using a measuring tape? that happen to me my weight didnt really look like it was going down but when I got measured again i was losing inches …(dont know just a thought trying to help ) anywho happy thanksgiving to you too ! ; )

  169. Your comment came in just after I had written my response to Peggy above, where I was linking contempt to disgust. Now I have Tomkins to back it up. Thanks for the added scientific perspective.

  170. Do you mind if I quote a few of your articles as long as I provide credit and sources back to your blog? My website is in the very same niche as yours and my visitors would truly benefit from some of the information you provide here. Please let me know if this alright with you. Many thanks!

  171. Io mangio canguro abitualmente qua in australia, si trova al supermercato vicino alle altre carni, è buona e li mortacci loro costa piu del pollo (che qua già costa 12-13$ al kilo)

  172. I wish gas was £1.07 a litre (what’s that, $7.50/gallon?) here. Do you have any idea what that would do to the value of my 60 miles per gallon Prius?Rattling the Kettle’s last blog post..

  173. Superfin tapet! TvÃ¥ väggar skulle jag ta, där sängen ska stÃ¥.Barnvänliga lÃ¥tar verkar försvinna mer och mer. Maggios "jag kommer" gillar jag inte däremot är "välkommen in" mycket bättre spela den istället 😉

  174. Typically I don’t read article on blogs, but I would like to say that this write-up very compelled me to try and do so! Your writing style has been amazed me. Thanks, really excellent post.

  175. it appears the deck was stacked against the program’s success, and asked the regulators to reconsider their decision.To recap: 1. Dems (which include Chuckie) advocate for elimination of private debt collection because (a) it’s private,(b) PDC targets their demographic, and (c) it was a Bush program. 2. Dems (including Chuckie) win in November and promptly keep promise to kill program. 3. Chuckie (the dem) cries for 90 lost jobs in his district and says program was never given a chance.Chuckie gets the perfecta if he can find a way to blame it on Bush.

  176. In my post I wrote that I want to wallow today, but it's just not an option. As much as I want to watch bad TV and not think, my kids will not let that happen. Sometimes I wish I could call in sick like any other job and take a day off.

  177. in debate. I think it is wrong to characterise any group as wholly hard-working or wholly not. Although a couple of councillors raised the idea of an attendance based allowance, there was no amendment put forward to this effect. In any case, everyone accepts that a huge amount of the work of a councillor is not in the form of formal meetings at county hall and so it is almost impossible to measure amount of work in any meaningful way.

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  179. That is bang on. There is actually little sense in going to Banks for finance, as many orgnisations are willing to strike a different type of finance deal. After all, what really is the point in handing 7% to the banks and having to guarantee the loan to the Bank? Far better to give 3% to the company you are dealing with and sign a guarantee direct.I think a lesser role for the banks on all lending levels can only be a good thing . After all, they do have a terribe track record ! PPI fraud, banking services to terrorists, invoice factoring (which should be outlawed)…..

  180. We’re trying to run candidates in every electorate, furious, although I don’t know if anyone’s nominated for Chaffey yet.I can’t remember the LC candidate details offhand, though. They all attended a number of “Meet the Candidates” sessions a couple of months ago, and I was pretty impressed with all of them.

  181. Is online relationships / affairs healthy? What do you think?In my view, it is not. Human should interact, fall in love and do the courting naturally. If it’s just getting a contact number from chat rooms, i feel that it’s still okay…cause then, it’s kinda like giving out your business card virtually. But to go on and on with online relationships or affairs i do not think it’s healthy. Human should be humans, and not letting their minds and hearts be controlled by computers or some figure from the internet. What do you think?Aint gonna fall into that trash hole again…

  182. Have you ever considered about including a little bit more than just your articles? I mean, what you say is valuable and everything. But think about if you added some great visuals or videos to give your posts more, “pop”! Your content is excellent but with pics and clips, this website could definitely be one of the most beneficial in its niche. Very good blog!

  183. All right, soy de México, específicamente de la Ciudad de México, yo NO estoy orgulloso de ser de ahí, ni modo, a pesar de eso amo a mi país, especialmente Guadalajara, esos malditos pseudoitalianos de los argentinos esos, QUÉ SE CREEN QUE SON, sean mejores que nosotros, de qué les sirve si con carrera son viles MIERDAS en el extranjero, sus productos son de baja calidad, los carros, mejor los chinos y eso que ODIO a los chinos, mejor México, con buenos carros, mujeres, TEQUILA, !!!!!ARRIBA ZACATECAS Y JALISCO¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡, VIVA MÉXICO

  184. a mi me encanta tiene muchas cosas que rescatarle como ese arco del estudio o salita de lectura es diferente tiene 2 formas en una me encanto y los colores, diferentes, cada ambiente es una sorpresa de color y estilo, me gusta que uno pueda tener espacios tan variados en un mismo lugar y para cada estado de animo genial, te deseo un maravilloso miercoles y que entre por tu ventana la luz del amor.

  185. Puro amor con alguna musiquilla a lo 8 bits muy buena, pena de no saber donde se encuentra para oirlas aparte. Y niveles completados en 5 segundos por alguien en el ranking, no hay explicación a eso. ????

  186. Thanks for sharing your first card – makes it easier for others to share theirs then too, I’d think. And picking Beatriz as your first “lift” – wow – that’s a lofty goal Ain’t she amazing. Tell your dad…even if you did colour for a job, that’d be just alright with you too!

  187. Nerd disse:Paulo, De uma olhada nos logs do Samba (/var/log/samba/*.log). Pode ser que encontre referência para qual o parâmetro que sua versão do kerberos não está entendendo.NErd.

  188. June 20, 2006 at 7:00 pm · Reminds me a bit of something I wrote a month ago:My dream becomes yoursa ray of happinessbring joy into my lifemine becomes yoursI think it’s the most precious thing that can happen to someone, when he/she becomes one (if it’s with him/herself or with the person he/she loves). Just that short moment of peace within yourself. Something I really long for now and then…

  189. The new Zune browser is surprisingly good, but not as good as the iPod’s. It works well, but isn’t as fast as Safari, and has a clunkier interface. If you occasionally plan on using the web browser that’s not an issue, but if you’re planning to browse the web alot from your PMP then the iPod’s larger screen and better browser may be important.

  190. Cám ơn Trang. Thực sự thông tin về các chuyến đi bọn mình chưa làm tốt lắm. Mình sẽ bàn với anh chị em làm theo kiểu khác, sẽ định ra lịch đi hàng tháng baa8và tính nội dung chuyến đi phù hợp với lịch.

  191. Deb, I must go and have a look at my dogwoods, I have never noticed any berries in the past, maybe I don’t have the correct varieties. My lonicera is a shrubby one, lonicera pileata which only grows about 3 ft and we grow it as a hedge, I had no idea that it had such gorgeous berries until I saw one of our blackbirds frantically feeding one autumn.

  192. Qu’est ce qui fonctionne le plus sur le terrain? La méthode à Marc ou bien dire toute la vérité en partant?Allez dans n’importe quel bar et essayer les deux méthodes. Moi, je vais placer mes économies sur la méthode à Marc. Pas qu’elle soit infaillible, mais elle est celle qui fonctionne le plus.Est-ce mentir de retenir des informations? Est-ce mentir de dire à la fille ce qu’elle veut entendre?

  193. Deberian dejar la criticadera a la POBRE NEGRA que ha sido la única con los pantalones bien puestos para hacer algo concreto por la liberación de los rehenes en manos de la guerrilla y para dolor de mucha gente lo esta logrando.Arriba las mujeres apretadas y con los ovarios en su lugar carajo………

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  195. Looking at the graph, there have been 2% spikes in inflation in the course of a year relatively commonly. I think that's the fear of the inflation hawks, that there will be a sudden shift in sentiment that can't be controlled. However, one issue that's not often appreciated is that most reserves these days are electronic, which means the Bernank can pull them out quickly. I doubt this was the case back in the 70's. If you actually print cash to hand to the banks for them to keep in reserve, tough to control how they spend it afterwards, but that's not what the Fed does with electronic reserves these days.

  196. Good point about SCORPIO being stand-alone. I did enjoy the immense sense of closure I felt knowing what happened to Sean and Puck in the end. I wonder if my opinion will change once RAVEN is all wrapped up (three more books down the road!)? Regardless, I thought THE RAVEN BOYS was excellent, and I’m very much looking forward to seeing what will happen to the characters next.

  197. tamires disse:Oi Ana! admiro muito seu trabalho e de toda família valadão!E espero um dia conhece-la pessoalmente! Tenho o DT como exemplo pra minha vida e ministério. Obrigada por sempre esta disposta a ouvir a voz de Deus para nos abençoar!Suas canções tem ministrado muito em minha vida e casamento…Amo muito vcs.Tamires*

  198. Putting yourself in his place, who would say otherwise? Pakistan is, by virtue of geography and population, probably the one country in the world that could successfully conquer and control Afghanistan. And Karzai knows the US has no other option to him.

  199. oui en fait, j’avais vu Nadal-Djoko (que j’avais bcp apprécié bien sûr de la part de Djoko), mon message était passé avant le tien : je voulais parler de Nadal-JMDP.Sinon, PHM, qui s’y connait mieux que nous (il vient de le jouer) a dit que Nadal « n’a pas actuelllement le niveau pour aller au bout d’un grand chelem »)

  200. There’s no legitimate scientific evidence that points to any negative health effects associated with wind turbines. Medical Associations give it a free bill of health. There’s plenty of dangers around the corner for ignoring the reality of man-made global warming though. Hurricane Sandy was just a warm up.

  201. I like “Extensions” as well, conveys the meaning clearly and Plugins is an old and overused term, time for something new. And Firefox’s use of Add-ons is legitimate, as it’s used as the umbrella term for both Extensions and Themes (and Language Packs in Firefox 2 at least), which makes sense to me anyway.

  202. This is the right blog for everyone who wants to findout about this topic. You know so much its almost hard to arguewith you (not that I really will need to…HaHa). You certainlyput a new spin on a topic that’s been discussed for ages. Excellent stuff, just wonderful!

  203. SÃ¥ mange koselige innlegg:)Du er sÃ¥ flink til Ã¥ kose deg m jentene, lage god mat og bake. De er heldige som har deg :):)Jeg elsker hjemmelaget tomatsuppe..MmmmMmm…pose blir aldri d samme igjen:)Veldig sterkt det bildet du viser.Det sier sÃ¥ utrolig mye..blir bare utrolig deppa av Ã¥ følge den rettsaken..Nyt helga fine du:)Klem Lise

  204. You aren't a fool for giving your savings to these highly powered doctors and affiliations but you are mislead. Your body’s immunological reaction will naturally and fully heal itself of each illness and infirmity if you feed it the correct nutrient elements.

  205. I was natural for FIVE years…and relaxed my hair in January. Regretted it by February, relaxed again in March for the LAST time. I’ve been wearing falls and wigs since, cuz I want my BIG fro back before I wear it out. However, this is getting old. March 2011, I’m getting it shaped up, dying it red, and rocking it again!If I ever buy another relaxer, I hope the Lord sends a bold of lightning to knock it out of my hands!

  206. Sildenafil affects the response Sildenafil is the main component of Intagra [url=http://intagra100.iwopop.com/]Intagra 100mg buy[/url] to sexual stimulation. It acts by enhancing smooth muscle relaxation using nitric oxide, a chemical that is normally released in response to sexual stimulation. This smooth muscle relaxation allows increased blood flow into certain areas of the penis, which leads to an erection.
    Sildenafil is applied Sildenafil is the main component of Intagra [url=http://100mgintagra.iwopop.com/]Intagra 100mg buy[/url] for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (impotence) in men and [url=http://100mgintagra.iwopop.com/]INTAGRA 100mg CHEAP[/url] pulmonary arterial hypertension Sildenafil affects the response Sildenafil is the main component of Intagra [url=http://intagra100.iwopop.com/]intagra buy online[/url] to sexual stimulation. It acts by enhancing smooth muscle relaxation using nitric oxide, a chemical that is normally released in response to sexual stimulation. This smooth muscle relaxation allows increased blood flow into certain areas of the penis, which leads to an erection.

  207. If you have sleep apnea, you need to know that you are not alone. Sleep apnea is fairly common and millions of people around the planet have it. If you have been wondering what a sleep apnea diagnosis means for your life, read on to learn what you need to know about it.

    If you are unsure whether or not you have sleep apnea, consider setting up an audio or video recorder next to your bed. When you review the recording, watch or listen for choking, gasping or other signs that you are not getting enough air as you sleep. Present your findings to your doctor if you suspect that you do have apnea.

    If you have sleep apnea, yet you drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes, quitting could alleviate your symptoms. Both smoking and drinking promote relaxation of the airways causing sleep apnea and excessive snoring. If you avoid these things, it may help your sleep apnea.

    Improve your sleep apnea by slimming down a bit. Recent research showed dramatic improvements in overweight men who shed 25 pounds over a period of one year to reduce sleep apnea symptoms. In some cases, the weight loss resulted in a cure of sleep apnea where no further treatment of the condition was necessary.

    If you are taking a great deal of medicines on a regular basis, sit with your doctor and discuss how they can be reduced. Side effects from prescription medication can be making your sleep apnea worse. Keep a dialog open with your doctor and make sure he is up to date on all your symptoms.

    Drink one cup of caffeinated coffee a few hours before you go to sleep. It may seem silly to drink a caffeine drink at night, but this can actually help keep your throat open while you sleep. You may have to play around with what time you drink the coffee to avoid restlessness.

    Weight loss can be a big help for those that suffer from sleep apnea. The condition is common in overweight patients that have larger neck circumferences. Losing weight can significantly reduce the pressure on your airway and improve the flow of air as you breathe at night.

    The most important aspect of dealing with sleep apnea is understanding exactly what it is. Unlike simple snoring, it is when a sleeper stop’s breathing for a short period of time while he is sleeping. If your sleep partner tells you that sometimes you stop breathing, there is a good chance you have apnea.

    People who use alcohol, sedatives, and sleeping pills are far more likely to suffer from sleep apnea. This is because these drugs will relax the throat and cause their breathing to be impaired. Using these drugs before bedtime is more likely to cause sleep apnea than using these drugs during the day.

    If you are concerned that you may suffer from sleep apnea, it is important to be diagnosed right away. This way, you can start getting the treatment you need as quickly as possible. The advice you have read in this article can help you find the relief you need from this troublesome condition.


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